Drink beer for the kids (not with the kids) at Jack T. Reviglio’s Cioppino Feed and Auction
For the first time in its 35 year history, the Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows’ Jack T. Reviglio Cioppino Feed and Auction will have its very own beer brewed for the event. Brewer’s Cabinet brewmaster, Charlie Johnson teamed up with Cioppino’s head chefs Bud Sorensen and Bob Capurro to brew Captain Jack’s Golden Ale. They brewed the Belgian Golden Ale with a new hop variety called Lemon Drops, to match with the Club’s famous Cioppino.
Cioppino (CHUH-pee-no) is a fish stew made with shell fish, vegetables, wine and spices that originated in San Francisco.
The Cioppino Feed is the Club’s biggest fundraiser of the year, bringing in almost 15 percent of the annual Boys and Girls Club budget, according to the Cioppino Feed website. The silent and live auctions include more than 500 items and experiences, including Drinkable Reno’s Local Liquor Trough, a basket filled with $400 worth of local beer, spirits, mixers and swag.
The event is one of the most attended fundraisers in Reno, gathering 1,600 of northern Nevada’s business and civic leaders to support the children, according to the Boys & Girls Club.
The proceeds from the sale of the beer will benefit the event. The beer will also be served at Brewer’s Cabinet and at Cioppino Feed, Feb. 28. Named Captain Jack’s Golden Ale, the beer can also be found at the following restaurants for a limited time:
- Campo
- Twisted Fork
- Old Granite St Eatery
- South Creek Pizza
Graphic designer for Mt Rose Drinks, Jahaziel Aguilar, created the logo and tap handles for Captain Jack’s Golden Ale.
Jack T. Reviglio Cioppino Feed
What: Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows fundraiser
When: Saturday, Feb. 28 4:30 p.m., live auction starts at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Donald W. Reynolds Center, 2680 E. 9th St. Reno, NV 89512
Tickets: $200 per person or $1,600 for a table of eight.
Information: For more information or to reserve your tickets for Cioppino please contact Allyson Bolton, Special Events Director at abolton@bgctm.org or call 775-360-2448 or purchase online
Mike Higdon
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